Nearly one-third of women in the United States report some kind of abuse by a partner in the last year. This number is likely extremely low due to the victim mentality that is associated with abusive relationships. Many victims are too afraid to come forward and expose their abusers due to psychological reasons beyond their control. In fact, many psychologists relate the mentality of a domestic violence victim to “Stockholm’s Syndrome”, which occurs when a victim/captive develops a feeling of love or support for their abuser/captor.
- Bruises (sometimes small, finger-shaped bruises) on upper arms, legs, neck, face, etc.
- Repeated and frequent phone calls from partner
- Mentions of partner’s anger
- Missed work
- Personality changes
- Isolation from friends or family
- Visibly aggressive arguments
- Cowering or fleeing female
- Loud yelling or screaming
- Thuds, screams, or yelling coming from a neighbor’s house
- Isolation of certain family members from the rest of the neighborhood
- Controlling partner
- Accusations of infidelity without cause
- Partner telling you that you are “crazy”
- Partner controlling the finances
- Partner blames anger on drugs or alcohol
- Frequent and repeated phone calls from partner
- Constantly having to account for whereabouts
- Hitting, slapping, beating
- Yelling, screaming, verbally attacking
- Partner grabbing arms or legs to cause pain
- Partner threatens suicide or self-inflicts to control you
- Partner hurts animals, threatens to hurt or kill friends and family if you leave him or her
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