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a number-one best-selling author, success and book coach, and speaker on a mission to help leaders use the power of writing to uncover their unique stories so they can scale their impact.

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Giveaway! Signed Copy of Working in Sync by Whit Mitchell

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I'm a number-one best-selling author, success and book coach, and speaker on a mission to help leaders use the power of writing to uncover their unique stories so they can scale their impact.

Hi, I'm Stacy

Working in Sync by Whit Mitchell

Working in Sync will change everything about the way you do business and lead your team. Enter a giveaway for a signed copy sent directly from author Whit Mitchell! See the entry information at the end of this article.

There are a lot of reasons I love what I do, but my favorite thing, by far, is working with outstanding people doing incredible things. Whit Mitchell is one such person, and his new book, Working in Sync, deserves a much better adjective than “incredible.”

In fact, if you’re a leader, it will change everything about how you do business and lead your team.

Whit and I met nearly a year and a half ago. Back then, his book was just a great idea. He teamed up with Aloha Publishing in Boise, Idaho, to make it a reality. I was incredibly honored when Maryanna Young, the CEO of Aloha Publishing, brought me into the project as the book coach and executive editor.

I’ll be honest: I left our first meeting feeling a little confused. Although I was incredibly inspired by Whit—if you ever have the pleasure of meeting him, you’ll know what I mean—it wasn’t immediately clear how his book would come together. The complexity of the project grew and grew as I learned more about the eleven Dartmouth alumni oarsmen Whit wanted to interview for the project.

And yet, it did come together. Like all book projects, with a great team rallying around an even greater idea, anything is possible.

Eighteen months, dozens of meetings and coaching sessions, around 400 pages of transcribed interviews, and multiple rough drafts later, Working in Sync was finally done and released.

Take a moment to read the excerpt below, and you’ll get a glimpse into the concept of this inspiring book. Want to know more? Visit www.workinginsyncbook.com.

When you think back on your life, can you pinpoint what helped shape who you are today? Perhaps it was a person— someone who saw greatness inside of you and helped you discover your worth. Maybe it was a profound experience—something that helped you rediscover the value of life and those around you. For eleven young athletes back in 1982, one of those “life-shaping” times occurred during Dartmouth freshman crew, class of ’86. I was their coach, and they were my team.

My experience coaching those freshmen was one of the richest in my entire sports coaching career. So I was thrilled when, nearly thirty years later, the team invited me back to their 25th Dartmouth reunion in Hanover, New Hampshire. As I reconnected with my former athletes, I was amazed at the outstanding success they’d each had, both personally and professionally, and I felt their stories needed to be shared with the world. Months later, Working in Sync began as a way to tell the stories of those eleven exceptional Dartmouth crew athletes. But what developed ended up being so much more than simple stories about personal accomplishments; instead, I discovered riveting lessons about success and life.

As I reconnected with each of the athletes and listened to their individual transformative experiences, many of which started in college crew, I began to draw connections between what they learned as college athletes and their successes as professionals. More importantly, as I was deeply engaged in interviewing them for the book, I began to see practical strategies around team dynamics, executive coaching, achieving and living one’s values, personal fulfillment, motivation, and, ultimately, personal and professional success. Each of them had a lesson to teach and a story to share that I knew could truly transform anyone looking to make changes in their own lives.

What about you? Have you reached the highest point in your career, or do you have goals yet to be accomplished? As a leader, could you better utilize the expertise, knowledge, and engagement of different team members to expand your business? Are there ways you could grow and change that would positively impact those around you? If you could influence others by sharing one aspect of your work life that defines your success, what would it be?

Giveaway: Do you want to win a signed copy of Working in Sync? Fill out the entry form below! This giveaway closes on June 30, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Comments +

  1. Roger Houck says:

    Look forward to reading the book, enjoyed working with Whit at CSEP134!

  2. Doug Ennis says:

    Oh my gosh, this is amazing!!!

  3. Stacy Ennis says:

    Congrats to Roger Houck, the winner of the giveaway! Your signed copy will be on its way soon.

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