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a number-one best-selling author, success and book coach, and speaker on a mission to help leaders use the power of writing to uncover their unique stories so they can scale their impact.

I'm Stacy Ennis,

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How to Find Community as an Author

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I'm a number-one best-selling author, success and book coach, and speaker on a mission to help leaders use the power of writing to uncover their unique stories so they can scale their impact.

Hi, I'm Stacy


Around ten years ago, I sat around a table with other panelists for a writing conference, prepping for our upcoming session. The meeting was part-prep, part-networking, as the three of us were book editors in Idaho—a far cry from the robustness of New York and LA, where writers and editors can easily commune.

The space was a converted warehouse, which they’d turned into a bistro and handmade market. It was loud that day, the noise echoing off the tall ceilings and white walls, so I leaned in to hear as my new colleagues, Mary and Donna, shared about themselves. That very day, a new community was born for Idaho editors and writers, for which I served on the board for the next several years.

As humans, we crave community. We are designed to be together. And especially when we’re doing something hard and big—like growing a business, journeying toward a goal, or serving a need—it’s meaningful to do it with other people.

I’ve grown and served communities before and after that editor’s group too. From a citywide women’s running community to currently serving on the board of a not-for-profit entrepreneurial accelerator, I’m drawn to connect people. And I, too, desire to be in community.

For about three years now, I’ve been drawn to build another community. And a few weeks back, I realized that goal and launched the Author Influence Circle.

We are a community of aspiring and published nonfiction authors who are communing, learning, growing—and changing the world together.

When I say “realized that goal,” I should clarify. Because I only built the foundation. And I’m showing up to shape and adjust the space to serve the authors in it. The truth is, I can’t build a community by myself. That would defeat the entire purpose of a community.

A true community is not organized around or by a person. It’s stronger than the sum of its parts. It’s owned by the people who make it up. And yes, while I am the founder, my long-term desire is that it grows beyond me. I would love someday for a new member to think I’m just a really active comember, because the community is thriving with such heart, value, and communal goodness that I’m mostly showing up to participate and keep the wheels oiled.

That said, there is a lot going on behind the scenes to make that happen. I’ve worked hard to be strategic in the topics I’ve planned. I regularly poll members to find out what they value, what they want, and how our team can create an incredible experience for them. I’ve already organized the best in business and publishing as guest speakers. We’re dreaming up future events . . . which I’m giddy just thinking about but don’t want to reveal just yet.

And I have to say, the AIC community has lit a new fire within me. I’m activating both the builder and connector within me, and I’m showing up with a new frequency, excited and curious and grateful and all the things you should be when you create something meaningful.

As someone who has built communities, and clicked into communities, and seen the power of community to cocreate an ecosystem that enables each member to thrive, I truly can’t wait to see where the Author Influence Circle community goes from here.

And if you’re a future or published author, I invite you to join us. It would be a joy and honor to support your journey in this community.

Tell me: How has community showed up in your life? Where have you leaned into community to draw on support, learning, and accountability? Have you grown your own communities? Share with me in the comments. I love learning from you!

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