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a number-one best-selling author, success and book coach, and speaker on a mission to help leaders use the power of writing to uncover their unique stories so they can scale their impact.

I'm Stacy Ennis,

Hello there!




I’m writing a book

follow @stacyennis

I'm a number-one best-selling author, success and book coach, and speaker on a mission to help leaders use the power of writing to uncover their unique stories so they can scale their impact.

Hi, I'm Stacy

Or rather, I’ve been writing a book. For some time now.

I outlined the book two years ago in sticky notes, then started transferring it to an official outline last year. And now, the outline is finished: all 39 pages, 9,770 words of it.

My outlines aren’t usually this long. But I took a different approach this time, outlining not just the core message and overview but also my entire marketing plan, comparable titles, and a bunch of other items to explore the validity of this book. Now, I’m getting feedback from my trusted network of book professionals, and then I’ll start interviews . . . and begin writing.

But I’m a little terrified, TBH.

Not of the writing process. Been there, done that. I’ve ghostwritten, authored, or coauthored seventeen books and edited and contributed to dozens more, not to mention coached dozens of authors and impacted hundreds more on their journeys. I have a master’s in writing. Heck, I’ve been studying writing since I was seven.

No, the writing process doesn’t scare me.

Vulnerability lies in claiming my space. I’ve had the luxury of hiding behind others’ work for most of my career. While I have authored one book and coauthored another, it’s been nearly ten years since my name has stood alone on a cover. Generally, I’m the person behind the scenes, the catalyst for others’ dreams.

And I love supporting others. I love being that person who helps future authors uncover their unique stories and fully step into their powerful message. I love watching them scale from impacting hundreds to hundreds of thousands. Seeing them on national television and hitting best-seller lists. Witnessing them fully living in alignment with their vision and purpose. It’s beautiful.

Now I am stepping out and doing the same. And hot damn, it’s scary. Maybe even a little more so than the average aspiring author because I have a reputation as “the book whisperer.” I’ve been in the industry for nearly thirteen years and am the go-to nonfiction writing coach and ghostwriter.

No pressure, right?


All that said, here’s what my book is about.

It has nothing and everything to do with writing.

Nothing because it’s not a book about how to write a book or build a writing career.

Everything because it’s about how my career as a location independent entrepreneur gifted me the life I have today: living in Portugal with my family of four, with freedom of choice and a life of exploration and adventure.

The book will be vulnerable, sharing some of my backstory before meeting my husband and stepping courageously into a life of purpose. And that backstory is hard.

It will be inspiring, sharing the stories of others who have chosen location independence. Whew, do I have some amazing stories to share.

And it will be practical, because I am nothing if not a woman of practicality.

In short, the book will help readers find their way to a better life for themselves and their families through a practical approach to building a location independent lifestyle. This book is for couples and families who aren’t all about that nomad lifestyle. Because staying in $10-per-night hostels and moving locations every month just isn’t practical and sustainable—and I would argue isn’t a lifestyle to aspire to, especially for those of us looking to build true community and connectedness.

Along the way, I’ll be documenting my journey.

Accountability is everything, so my plan is to share updates on social media and via my email list as I progress through the writing and publishing processes. The wins, the hardships . . . everything.

So if you want to follow along, be sure to join my email list and follow me on Instagram and LinkedIn, where I’ll be taking you BTS on this book and my journey. I plan to do podcast episodes on this as well, so if you’re a pod fan like me, subscribe to my podcast, Beyond Better.

I’ll not only be sharing the writing process but also how I’m working through next steps in publishing, planning my book launch, creating content about my book and everything in between. And I’ll be doing this through an expert’s lens, as someone who has been in the industry for a long time and knows the ins and outs.

I’m still sorting how to organize all of this in a way that’s helpful, and determine what others want to learn about, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please tell me in the comments below.

So, that’s it. I’m ready to share my story. I’m ready to write this book that I know can change lives—the book I wish I’d had seven years ago, when we were getting serious about planning our adventure abroad—that can help other entrepreneurs and parents like me achieve a dream of location independence, freedom, and purpose.

Thanks for following along. I can’t wait to share this book with you!


Comments +

  1. Jennifer says:

    My dear, my friend, YOU WILL CHANGE LIVES! Best of luck in this endeavor. It’ll be fun to watch from the sidelines. Just know that you’ll always have a cheerleader (and sounding board) in me.

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I’ve gathered 15 years of experience working with 100+ books to share insider secrets you need to know to write a powerful nonfiction book.

What you need to know                                   writing.


What you need to know             writing.